Covenant exists to glorify God by equipping students with the tools necessary to pursue a lifetime of learning so that they may discern, reason and defend truth in service to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Our school continues the traditions of two former schools whose founding families were visionary pioneers. Covenant Christian Family School (Kindergarten through Grade 6) was founded in 1993 by parents who desired a Christ-centered, classical education for their elementary-aged children. In 1996, several of these Covenant families joined a small group of other interested parents to start Logos Academy (Grades 7 through 12) so that their children could continue their education within a classical, college-preparatory and Christ-centered framework. These two schools merged in 2001 to form The Covenant School.
We maintain the core values of those founding families, to include:
Honoring God through humility, sacrifice, and service.
Teaching from a Christ-centered worldview with all subjects integrated around the revealed Word of God.
Recognizing the primacy of parents in their children’s education.
Employing outstanding teachers and administrators who confess and demonstrate the saving work of Jesus Christ in their lives, a reverence for the classical tradition, and a life-time love of learning.
Encouraging each student to grow in his or her personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Applying grammar, logic, and rhetoric to spur on students’ love of truth and discovery.
Emphasizing the classical liberal arts and sciences (the Trivium and Quadrivium) and Charlotte Mason principles as the primary means of teaching and learning.

Non Nobis
Non nobis Domine, Domine,
Non nobis Domine,
Sed nomini, sed nomini
tuo da gloriam.
Psalm 115:1A