PAVING THE WAY to a Vibrant Future for Our Covenant Community
For two generations, the Lord has provided for Covenant through the joyful giving of our families. We rely on the generosity of our community to make capital improvements to campus, as well as fill the gap of annual budgetary needs. This year's Paving the Way Campaign is our comprehensive funding strategy for both campaign and annual needs.
Tuition covers 97% of our annual budget needs, and we rely on gifts to fund the rest. Our annual needs include the Covenant Fund - annual operating support for the school's needs not covered by tuition - and Tuition Assistance - annual support given to Covenant students and families to make the Covenant education more affordable.
We want to pave the way for even better experiences at Covenant by adding:
An East Parking Lot with 70 additional parking spaces to accommodate visitors, student drivers, and a return of the "playground culture" where there is room to park and play on the playground while waiting for older children to come out of school.
Bleacher Space to accommodate 400 more fans at games, for room for almost 1,000 fans, showing hospitality to our community and visitors.
A Security Welcome Center at the main (east) entrance where campus visitors are greeted and directed where appropriate.
Accomplishing our Paving the Way Campaign goals in 2024-2025 will pave the way to welcome our new Head of School into her role with these projects completed, so that, together, we can tackle the much larger and more complex Grammar School Campaign and logistics planning. To discuss the timing of the Grammar School project or the Paving the Way projects and progress, please sign up to attend a Coffee (link above) or contact Director of Development, Holly Hook, at 214-358-5818 ext. 4515 or [email protected].
Our like-hearted community is dedicated to fostering a culture of Christian hospitality, belonging, and "love of neighbor." We want our spaces to be both safe and welcoming to guests. With the Lord’s provision, we are excited to tackle these campaign projects as the next step in our master campus plan fulfillment. Please prayerfully consider giving a gift to Covenant by December 31, 2024.