Logic School


The beginning of the ‘lasts’ for the 2023/2024 academic year has already begun, and I can’t believe we’re already here.  It seems like yesterday that we were greeting your wide-eyed students in the hallways, helping them find their classrooms, introducing them once again to their teachers and their new classmates, learning locker combinations, and wondering what the year had in store. As you know, Logic School is full of surprises!

Our sixth-graders, who were so apprehensive and nervously excited at the beginning of the year, have become more confident in their classrooms and on campus. They have learned to manage their time in ways they never thought possible, been stretched to try new things (including bugs), and found joy in the challenges. They’ve grown so much!

Our seventh graders have stepped up as leaders, shining in drama productions and demonstrating their ability to think deeply and reason effectively. They've actively collaborated with teachers and administrators to enhance the Logic School. Their forward-thinking approach is inspiring, and we eagerly anticipate their leadership in the upcoming fall.

Our eighth graders have been a source of immense joy. They’re beginning to find their voice, expressing their thoughts, opinions, and feelings with wisdom and maturity.  They’ve continued to sharpen their study and relational skills, and their commitment to their faith and the world around them has deepened.  We will miss them dearly, but they leave the Logic School fortified with knowledge, character, and virtue, ready for the next chapter.  

Together, these students have labored together, celebrated one another, wrestled through difficulties, and come out on the other side a bit more sure of who they are and, more importantly, Who’s they are.  It is our greatest joy to spend our days with your children, your hearts.  Thank you again for entrusting them to us and for partnering with us in this love and appreciation for classical, Christian education.  We know it is not always easy - but the best things rarely are. 

We wish you a restful, peaceful summer.  We’ll be preparing for the fall with anticipation and much prayer and pray God’s richest blessings on you until we see you again!

Non Nobis, 

Mrs. Hill


Teacher of the Year

Shannon Crowell is the Logic School's Teacher of the Year. She has served at Covenant for over fifteen years, and each year, she champions Latin to sometimes reluctant Logic School students, always winning them over in the end. Whether it’s in the classroom or on the streets of Washington D.C., Miss Crowell has faithfully shepherded—sometimes herded—hundreds of students through their middle school years.

Her colleagues say this about her.  "Miss Crowell is a source of encouragement, wit, camaraderie, and wisdom. She manages her students with joy and lightheartedness while also maintaining a high expectation for their behavior. When I wonder what I should do, I often find myself thinking, 'What would Shannon do?'"

Shannon is invested in the students. She asks them questions as they enter her classroom. She runs an organized classroom with clear expectations and directions. She loves Latin and her students, and she is so supremely consistent. It has been such a privilege getting to know Miss Crowell. 

What a blessing she is to the Logic School! 


general info

Book Return: Please make sure your students return all borrowed books to their teachers. A fee will be incurred for each non-returned book. 

PE Uniforms for next year: Ordering is live. Please see the link here. This link will stay open until 5/24. Incoming 6th grade boys only need the tech shirt, as they wear their uniform shorts to PE. 6th grade girls will wear tech shirts and shorts. 7th and 8th graders wear both shirts and shorts to PE/Athletics. The sweatshirt is optional.


upcoming events 

Thursday, May 16 - Friday, May 17:  Lost and Found free-for-all and Uniform Closet free-for-all

Monday, May 20- Wednesday, May 22 - Spring Final Exams and Locker Clean-out. Please send your child to school with a bag to collect their things between finals. Pick-up carpool starts at 11:20 each day. Students with extended time will be released by 12:45.

Wednesday, May 22- Casual Dress Day for all Logic Students!

As a reminder, Covenant casual dress for Logic students means that students may choose to wear jeans or khakis and any appropriate shirt or blouse. Tank tops, spaghetti straps, midriff shirts, skirts, shorts, knit pants, joggers, sweat pants, overalls, cutoffs, and torn jeans with large holes and/or rips will not be permitted. Students who wear incorrect clothing will receive a uniform violation and need to have the correct clothes brought to them before they may go to class.  Parents, please help us by reminding your students about these guidelines and screening their outfits beforehand.

Monday, August 12- Logic Athletics Begin

Monday, August 19 - Opening Chapel

Tuesday, August 20 - Fall Frenzy

Wednesday, August 21 - First Day of School


6th Grade Corner


"Will your child(ren) be entering the 7th grade this coming Fall, with hopes to participate in Covenant athletics for the first time? We’re so excited, and you probably are too! But we know you probably have a few questions…

Find valuable information in the BattleCry on all things Logic Athletics and find some of our most frequently asked questions, answered!"

-Coach Liz Traeger




Important FINE aRT information

Be sure to check out the Fine Arts tab on the main Covenant Copy page.


Important logic athletic information

Be sure to check out the Battlecry tab on the main Covenant Copy page.


Logic School Hours


Drop off - as early as 7:30

Class Start - 8:00


Regular Carpool (includes 7th & 8th Strength and Conditioning) - 3:15 pm

Athletic Carpool - 3:30


absence Procedure

When you know your student will be gone (doctor's appointments, orthodontist, vacation), please have them fill out an Absentee Request Form to let their teachers know they'll be gone. This allows them to have a conversation with their teachers regarding how to make up missed classwork. These forms should be turned in to Kristen Dow 1 week prior to the absence. If you need to get a printed copy, have your student see Mrs. Dow.

For an unplanned absence, email Kristen Dow and let her know your student will not be at school. (In the case of sickness, please email her every morning that your child will be absent. If you know they will be out multiple days, let her know when you think they'll be back. This will help you avoid getting "unexcused absence" notifications.)

Reminder: To receive credit for a class, students may not be absent more than nine times in a semester.

Carpool Reminders

  • Please review this carpool FAQ for any of your carpool questions.

  • When you are dropping off your students in Logic carpool, please remind them to walk all the way down to the crosswalk on whichever side of the car they exit to cross the road.  Students may not cross in between cars before the crosswalk.  It is dangerous and slows carpool down.

Early Parent Pick up & Carpool Etiquette for 6th-8th grade

Early Pick Up: Email Kristen Dow and make sure to include the date and time. Kristen will send your child out to the pavilion or to the Administration lobby if it is cold or rainy. If it's time sensitive, please arrive a few minutes early to give us time to get your child from class. Remind your student of the time they should leave class, as well.

Logic Carpool Changes: Email Kristen Dow before 2:00 pm to ensure that the changes get noted. 



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